Sea Turtles Protection Proyect in the Gandoca – Manzanillo NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE

Gandoca beach – February 2019

TurtLove – it is the name of the Turtle Adoption Program.

As every year Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) visit the coast of Caribe Sur and Gandoca Natural Reserve to lay their eggs. During the night, most often during the high tide, female sea turtles must come ashore to build nests and lay between 80 to 100 eggs, big as a ping-pong ball.

They need a quiet, dark and protected environment, otherwise they get scared and leave.

With ‘TurtLove” you can make a symbolic adoption, destined to finance a wider project of Sea Turtles Protection in the Gandoca – Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge.

Since ATEC is an NGO, 100% of the funds raised will be allocated to the recovery, management of the center, surveillance and maintenance of the nesting areas, awareness of tourists and local population.

If you want to protect them, make a gesture of love. Adopt a turtle or give adoption to a friend: we will send you a personalized eco friendly digital certificate.


  • 20 $ Plant a mangrove tree
  • 25$ A special Gift for a special Person
  • 35 $ Adopt a baby sea turtle
  • 50 $ Adopt a sea turtle nest
  • 100 $ Adopt a beach patrol (everything he needs as gloves, headlight, AA batteries, lightweight rain jacket, boots)
  • 250 $ Adopt an adult female sea turtle
  • 500 $ protect a nesting limited area

Deductible Donation through the page Amigos of Costa Rica

Join the team working at the Refuge – LET’S VOLUNTEER! Only for animal lovers

Minimum staying – 4 nights

fee – 35$ per day (accommodation and 3 meals included)

You’ll be part of an amazing experience, participating  to night patrols for the sighting of the turtles, to social welfare project with the Gandoca’s community and schools.

26 boxes, 120 kg of material, 2 rivers crossed, 1 car and 2 trucks, 3 hours to reach the place and the most important number: 123 students (+1 student from Margarita) of the BriBri community received the school supply for the year THANKS TO YOUR DONATIONS!!

Coroma Hig School
Bajo Coen Primary School
Guave Primary School


A special thanks goes to all donators that believed in our dream, to Zenón that help us with logistics, to Freddy, Dennis, Arcelino, Omar, Jonny and Jasin that literally supported us helping whit the transportation of the material


Pictures Credit Marco Valle


If you wish to participate in the next donation,
it will start in August 2019. Any help is welcome!

Thanks to your support,
ATEC was able to provide school supplies for 123 students in Coroma High School, Bajo Coen Primary School & Guave Primary School !

ATEC (Asociacion Talamanqueña de Ecoturismo y Conservacion) is a non-profit organization with 25 years of experience working with the communities surrounding Talamanca. We focus on supporting local businesses and communities through ecotourism, environmental education and conservation of both natural and cultural resources.

A few kilometers from the Caribbean coast, in the green heart of the Talamanca Indigenous Reserve, in a region crossed by the river Sixaola and other many streams, you will find the
numerous Bri Bri communities. The natural richness of the area has allowed the local indigenous people to live sustainably and peacefully for many generations. They mainly dedicate themselves to agriculture (biological bananas mostly), fishing, hunting and production of some handicrafts (baskets and musical instruments).

For the last 11 years, ATEC provided support to the students of the Bri Bri community who need it, providing them with all the necessary items for a school year, such as backpack, notebooks, pens and colors. The campaign aims at the collection of school materials or money that are entirely donated to their purchase. 100% of donations it’s for students.

This year, we raised $2000!

Thank you for your support and we look forward to counting on you for next year!

Support the education of 81 students in the Shuabb School, Coroma Primary & High School and Yorkin High School communities.

ATEC is a non-profit organisation with 25 years of experience working with the communities surrounding Talamanca. We focus on supporting local businesses and communities through   ecotourism, environmental education and conservation of both natural and cultural resources.

Following a well kept tradition, ATEC is happy to announce its 11th School Supply Drive. Since 2006, ATEC has been supporting various schools by annually providing school supplies for different schools all over the region of Talamanca. School Supply Drive intends to provide school children with basic school supplies they would need for one year education. Every year ATEC consults, selects and provides support for each individual school. Through this process, ATEC can support each school and cater the School Supply Drive to the selected school’s need. All of the contribution made to the project from both companies and individuals will be brought to the school and shared equally among the children.

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ATEC is happy to announce its first Christmas and Graduation Drive for the students of the indigenous community Shuabb, located in Talamanca, Limón, CR. While collecting information for our upcoming 11th School Supply Drive in this community, we were asked to support the students’ education not only by providing them with school supplies, but also by supplying them with other goods which they need in their daily life. In collaboration with the school staff we set the goal to give each student a raincoat, rainboots, soccer socks and soccer shoes as a Graduation and/or Christmas present in December. In order to guarantee that all students receive the same supplies, the presents will be homogeneous (of the same quality and the same materials) and in accordance with each children’s size, ATEC will buy the clothes at the end of the drive and will bring it to the Shuabb school on the day of graduation.

We are therefore looking for your financial support to provide the 22 students with the following gifts.

Due to their different sizes the prices of the products will range from:

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At a workshop hosted by Earth University, ATEC was honored as a leader in the organization and collection of trash and recyclables in Puerto Viejo, for over 25. Today, our office in Puerto Viejo is one of few Recycle collection centers becuase, keeping our town and our beaches clean has always been a top priority. […]